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Greetings & Salutations
I’m Terri-Lynn, a owner of Southern House of Transfers — Screensbyshots.com (Better known as SHOTs). I reside in Southeast Oklahoma right on the Texas border. I have been married to the love of my life, JC, for 22 years. Crazy, considering I’m only 29, or was it 35? I kid, I kid. We have one amazing (butthead-ed) 16 year old son, Ayden. If you have a teenager you know exactly what I’m talking about. Ayden leads a very active life, but his main sport is baseball and it tickles me pink. He plays for our Varsity high school team as a Junior. I’d follow this kid anywhere. I love working for myself and getting to create my own schedule, to center it around hubby’s doctor appointments, and baseball/basketball games. It even gave me the time to serve as the President of our Junior High/High School Baseball teams Booster Club.
Other fun facts about me, I am a huge bookworm, a lover of naps & thunderstorms and I'm the biggest Harry Potter Nerd of anyone I know. Prior to having Ayden, I was diagnosed with a very rare, autoimmune disease. Though I worked for many years, after he was born I was hospitalized weekly because my body couldn’t keep up with the stress of working full time, and caring for a newborn. I gave up my job to take care of myself and him full-time. Aside from transfers I also offer wholesale laser goods. Hat patches, keychains, earrings ect. Every Friday you can find us dropping 5-10 new preorder designs on our website Screensbyshots.com.
I would say Sports Mom/Mascot are probably our biggest sellers, with a touch of Jesus and a healthy dash of snark.